Wednesday, 16 May 2012

My Book hunt

I know I'm really sorry that I haven't told you before but...
I have actually been on a book hunt!!!   I have scrum-itched through many op shops in my area but haven't had much luck finding the books I was looking for instead I seemed to have brought  a pile of random books that I liked the look of (I was right they were good books)! The books I am looking for though, are... the hardy Boys, The Trixie Belden, Nancy drew and the Three Investigators series.

I'm hoping to fill up my bookshelf one shelf to go!! I'm also on the way to getting a bigger bookshelf!!
I'm obsessed with books.I just love (especially old) books!!!

If you have these books leave a comment to tell me how your reading experience was.

P.S. If you ever have any old/new books you don't want, I'm always here!!
see you all again soon,


  1. Courtney, I have a lot of spare Trixie Beldens so if you let me know what you are after I would be willing to send you some. Just check this is ok with your parents and let me know.

    1. hi secondhandrose,
      Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your support.
      I am missing the numbers 11,13,15,23,24,28,32,35,36,37,38 and 39.
      email at or click on my profile and click the email me button.
      Then we can discuss further.
      Thanks again,
      Courtney a fellow Trixie Belden fan!


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Thanks Readers.