Genre: Elephants, war
Age group:9-14+
Ever since Tin can remember he's wanted to be an elephant trainer. At
twelve years old, he's the youngest - and in his eyes the best -
elephant handler in his village. Tin can think of nothing he'd rather do
that spend all day with his elephant, Lady, looking after her and
playing together. But Tin's peaceful, idyllic life is changed
dramatically when the Viet Cong attack his village and he finds himself
held hostage by the terrifying soldiers who don't care if he lives or
dies. Can Tin find the courage to escape from his captors and save not
only his own life, but his precious elephants too?
My review
A million shades of gray is about a twelve year old boy called Y'tin. He has always had a dream to become an elephant trainer. His becomes the youngest and 'the best' elephant trainer in his village his dreams finally come true when he is finally the owner of a beautiful elephant called Lady. But ...when the Viet Cong attack his village he becomes captured along with many other villagers. They are held hostage by the cruel soldiers which don't treat them well and give them little or nothing to eat. Will Y'tin be able to escape in time? What happened to his family?Where is Lady?
This is a great book, which really shows what it would have been like to be living in Vietnam in 1975 when the viet Cong attacked many villages. The author has told this story in a very realistic way but also in a way that is suitable for all readers. I know you will enjoy this book no matter what age.
I'll see you all next week,
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