Author: Maude S. Forsey
Ages:9+(too long for anyone younger)
Genre: Realistic, Boarding school life
Published: around 1920's-1930's
I rated this book 9 out of 10
Mollie Hazeldenes school days is about an ordinary girl who goes to a boarding school. It is similar to Malory towers as they were both written in the same era. It is a great book about the ups and downs of Mollies boarding school days. In the 1920's many books were written about children at boarding school.
Mollie Hazeldenes school days is about an ordinary girl who goes to a boarding school. It is similar to Malory towers as they were both written in the same era. It is a great book about the ups and downs of Mollies boarding school days. In the 1920's many books were written about children at boarding school.
I personally love reading these books as they are quite exciting and they always seem to make me chuckle as in this type of book the kids usually play some pranks on the teachers and I can't help but start laughing.
I am not sure that you will be able to find this book because it is quite old. But you never know it could just be in your attic right now.......
There were a few different editions published, so keep your eyes peeled for them in your local op shops or second hand book stores. I have the top book except mine is more orange,It is the 1st Edition so it is pretty old. It was originally my grandma (mums mum) then it got handed down to my Mum and her sister and now I have it!!!( It had good use huh)
Good luck with your book hunting....
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