Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Be the Change

Your guide to Freeing Slaves and changing the world
Author: Zach Hunter
Page: 157
Age group: any age
Genre: Auto-biography, changing the world

Most people think the average teenager isn't capable of much beyond hanging with their friends and wasting time. But Zach Hunter isn't your average teenager. And he's hoping to show you that you're not either. Zach has been trying to end slavery around the globe. Most people (maybe even you) think that slavery has been over for a long time. But sadly, there are more people bound in slavery now than at any of the times we read about in our history books. Now Zach is working to end slavery and free the men, women, and children who are being held against their will. He's even found some friends in the fight, including Jon Foreman of Switchfoot and Leeland Mooring of Leeland. Just look around the world and on the news and you'll find that there are plenty of things wrong with our planet---homelessness, hunger, global warming, AIDS...the list goes on and on. And we usually look at these problems and decide they're too big for us to do anything about. But Zach is proving that one person can make a difference. And in his book, he'll reveal the elements needed to make amazing changes in your world. In the end, he hopes you'll find the thing you're passionate about---and start making changes! 

My Review
What an inspirational book! I have been really enjoying reading these inspiring change the world sort of books as i think that if lots of people read them and make a move toward ending poverty we would see the back of poverty and live in a more balanced world. I hope that you read this book and try to make a difference into someones life. Even if that means just giving up one small thing that you wanted to get or even just helping someone who dropped all their books. Whatever it is I hope that you do something nice to someone else this week.
Thanks, Courtney  

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