Wednesday, 1 August 2012

#8 Trixie Belden and the mystery of the Black jacket

Author: Kathryn Kenny (Pen name)
Pages: 236
Age Group:11+
Genre: Mystery, Adventure 

Trixie is intrigued by Regan's problems and the sudden appearance of Dan Mangan, a black-jacket wearing city kid who has come to stay with My Maypenny.  Although the Bob-Whites are busy organizing an Ice Carnival to help out their Mexican pen-pals, Trixie is determined to find out why Dan is here and what is troubling Regan.  When Honey's missing watch is pawned and the clubhouse is broken into, the finger points squarely at Dan.  Trixie's dislike of him is evident, but when she and Bobby find themselves in trouble he is the only one who can save them. Will he save them or not???
My Review 
Of course this was a great read!! I was sucked into yet again another fantastic mystery!! In this book there was another character introduced into the story.
Dan Mangan a curious young fellow has moved from the city to stay with his uncle. Trixie as usual assumes that he is related to Mr.Maypenny but when she comes across a few suspicious clues she begins to think otherwise.
Who is Dan related to?? Is he the mysterious thief or not??

A must read book, read it to find out who Dan really is...
hope you are going well and make sure you enjoy your reading,
at the moment I am reading Rivals to the crown it is a very informative read all about Elizabeth and Mary Tudor, I will post a review of it soon.
Take Care,


  1. Hi Courtney,
    I honestly didn't like how they handled the Dan character that well. I thought he should have wound up living with Regan, his uncle, over the garage, not out in the sticks with an old man who wasn't family.

    I do like the character of Dan, though. I'm glad you're having so much fun reading these!

    1. Hi Judith,
      I'm with you on that! Dan was handled pretty roughly! Everyone blamed him for doing things that he didn't even do! I can see why he was so grumpy and mean at the start of the book!!
      Thanks :) Courtney


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