I have interviewed Karen Wood, who is a great author friend of mine.She has just released, Golden Stranger which is the fourth book in the Diamond Spirit series. I asked her a range of questions regarding her books and got great answers. Here they are...
Where did you get the ideas from to write the diamond spirit series?
was a real pony. My young friend Jess leased her to me and then she
really did get stuck in a cattle grid. Jess was only eleven and she had
to make the awful decision to have her pony destroyed. She was so brave
and so gracious the day that Diamond was put down that I was inspired to
write a book about her. So the first few chapters came from an event in
my life that really touched me. The rest of the books and the stories
are based on people I have known and places I have been.
Who is your favourite character in the series?
I really like Grace, she's funny and I just love Luke.
Do you wish that you were one of the character in the book?
I wish I had their lifestyle!!! I used to have their lifestyle but now I'm married with two small girls and can't just pack up and go campdrafting every weekend. Most of the characters in the books have a little bit of me in them.
Around how long does it take you to write each book?
Every time I write one it seems to take less time. It took 6 years to write book 1, but now it only takes me about 6 - 8 months.
Any, tips for young writers?
Just tell the story, write write write write write! Don't worry about spelling or grammar or getting it perfect, just tell the story. Any story. You'll be amazed at what comes out. Later, you can go back, delete the stuff that didn't work and keep the good stuff. And tidy it up. Add pretty bits, etc. Just get the flow happening.
Also read good quality books by well regarded authors, you will absorb a good style by osmosis.
Are you releasing any more books after Brumby mountain?
I'm in discussions with my publisher and my agent at the moment, about what comes next. I do have quite a few unfinished projects filed away. So many ideas - so little time!
Can you give us a sneak peak of Brumby mountain??
'I want to stop whoever's running those brumbies.' Luke looked up at
her suddenly. 'Come with me, Jessy. I don't want to leave you behind
this time. I miss you too much.'
When Luke brings home a truckload of traumatised brumbies, some
with horrific injuries, Jess agrees that something must be done. Can
Jess, Luke and their friends foil the brumby runners and save the wild
horses from their cruel fate? And in going back to matty's Flat, will
Luke discover where he really belongs?
Congratulations Karen, You are doing great in the world of books. I'm sure all of us readers out here, especially me, can't wait to read Brumby Mountain and any other books you will be releasing in the future. I absolutely love your books and the amazing characters you have created. Keep on writing.
I hope you have enjoyed my interview with Karen wood, I will be doing interviews with an other author soon....
Golden spirit is now aviliable at most bookshops so... GO Buy it!!
Also on an ending note Brumby mountain is going to be released in June, i'll keep you posted.
Bye for now,
Karen Wood is a great author, and her books are TOTALLY AWESOME!!! I SOOOO hope she realeases more!!! :D