Sunday 24 February 2013

One Too Many

Author: Peggie C. Moody
Pages: 126
Age Group: 9+ 
Genre: Boarding school, Christianity, mystery
Series: Gateway Series

To be the unwanted fifth in a dormitory of four friends, and "One too many" in the House, wasn't a very encouraging start for Penelope's school life. Judy, the lively leader of the Junior School, seemed determined to be her enemy, and one misunderstanding after another, even Pen's Christianity, made things worse between them. Pen's brave rescue led to complications, and then a confession, But it was not until after Judy was suspected of theft, and Pen helped her in some detective work, that their new friendship was established and sealed at a midnight feast of waffles and lemonade.
My Review
I really liked this old book! It was funny because after I read it I realized that I had another book from the Gateway series.  I rate this book 9 out of 10!! I love girls boarding school books, so if you like that type of book you will enjoy this exciting adventure of Pen's life.

Hope you enjoy this one,
add it to your favorites,

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