Wednesday 6 June 2012

The night they stormed Eureka

Author: Jackie French
Genre: History, Eureka Stockade, olden day life.
It′s 1854, and the Ballarat goldfields are a place of dreams and rebellion as Sam, a homeless teenager, is called back to the past to join the Puddlehams, who run ′the best little cook shop on the diggings′.
The Puddlehams dream of buying a hotel with velvet seats, while others dream of freedom from the government, with its corrupt officials and brutal soldiers.
 As the summer days get hotter, and the miners' protests are ignored with catastrophic results, Sam experiences at first-hand the power of a united stand, which will change her life forever.
My Review
 I am amazed at how well Jackie French can captivate history. She has written it so well that I can clearly feel how it would have felt to be the Puddlehams, Sam or any of the miners on the Ballarat goldfield in 1854.
I rate the night they stormed Eureka 8 out of 10!!!!
great book, as are all of the other historical Jackie french books I have read.

I will see you next week...

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