Tuesday 17 December 2013

what has been going on laterly...

Hi everyone!!
I am so sorry that I haven't been posting any book reviews lately!
Unfortunately I have been so so busy with school homework, Piano Practice, Golf practice and also a new business venture that I am working on. I have barely had enough time to read a book in between it all! Although in these holidays I have read a few Ivan Southalll books and really enjoyed them.

Anyways... I wanted to let you all in on my new venture, It is only in its early stages but it is moving along. I am starting a teenage sports clothing brand. It is called 'Allez-y' which is a French word that means 'go for it'. In the beginning I am just going to focus on producing clothing ranges for Tennis, Golf and Athletics. I am so keen, I just want everything to happen, but I am trying to be patient. Just wanted to fill you all in on my absence! Also I am going to be starting a blog all about my life particularly focusing on the ups and downs of being involved in business. Once I've started it I'll let you know. I will have plenty to write about.

Talk soon,

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