Thursday 29 March 2012

#3The Venetian police man

Genre:Mystery & Detective, fiction, General
Ages: 7 & 8(12+)
Sophie and Sam thought they knew everything there was to know about Gus Jenkins, the private detective they're working with. But when Gus's life takes a turn for the worse, the girls discover that he has a missing son. They decide that they have to find him. Can they manage to find Gus's son, while keeping their identity and their motives a secret? 

My review

I rate this book 9 out of 10. Terrific book!
In this book the sisters uncover the truth about Gus and find that he has a son called Jack that left home and apparently travelled to Los-vegas to have a career in show biz. Will they ever be able to find Jack amidst the busyness of los-Vegas???

It is sad that there is only one more book of the series to read:(
Margo Said that she will be releasing a new book coming out next year!!
I know it is a long time to wait but... I know that her new book will be awesome!!Enjoy,

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